Doula + Birth Photography Packages

  • Birth Photographer for $1200

    one prenatal conversation/visit to discuss photography preferences

    on call at 37 weeks

    present for active labor, delivery, and 2 hours after delivery

    main role is photo documentation but can also provide some comfort and support as needed

    will deliver 100+ photos of your birth story

  • Doula + Birth Photography for $2000

    two prenatal visits to discuss birth preferences

    on call at 37 weeks

    present for support and comfort during labor and birth when needed, for as long as is needed

    documentation of labor (both at home and/or hospital or birth center), and documentation of birth plus 2 hours after birth

    support with breastfeeding and first few hours of life

    one postpartum visit usually 2-3 weeks after birth

    delivery of 100+ photos of your birth story

Because your birth story matters.